Quickly & easily discovering healthy (Web3) FOSS projects and communities.

Team's submissions

FOSS Find Meta-award User Experience

White Paper Here - FOSS Find provides a meaningful overview of (Web3) FOSS projects and communities in the shape of an intuitive interface, which offers powerful insights to help organizations and individuals benefit from and contribute to them. The problem that this solves is the difficulty of finding & choosing the most suitable (i.e. the best, or ‘healthiest’) FOSS projects/tools, for example for sustainability. Existing explorers of the FOSS landscape are not widely deployed and/or not very accessible, and often focus on metrics that are simply less than helpful.

Challenges we ran into:

* Coordination & communication, (specific team member & overall) time contraints
* Which metrics are relevant (let alone the best)?
* Researching & comparing with existing solutions
* Where to get the metrics from?
* CHAOSS API turned out to be incomplete and needs manual triggering of ingest of data scraping of metrics is slow due to rate limits & missing parallel processing
  • Technology used: GitHub, LibreOffice, CryptPad, Matrix/Element, Google Drive, Thunderbird, Brave, Notepad++, Java, Node.js (Nestjs Framework), Javascript, PenPot, TypeORM, Postgres DB, HTML / CSS, EJS, Flask (python)