InsideOut Team

Self-DA & Storage zkrollup toy model

Team's submissions

InsideOut Infrastructure Social Impact

The problem InsideOut solves

InsideOut is a toy model of rollup (yes, this is a rollup, not validium), demonstrating, how a rollup could be maintained on the blockchain without publishing the data anywhere outside the rollup.

We use techniques inspired by the file blockchain solutions (like Filecoin, Arweave, Ethstorage, etc), but wrap all processes into a zk rollup.

Challenges you ran into

We use techniques inspired by the file blockchain solutions (like Filecoin, Arweave, Ethstorage, etc), but wrap all processes into a zk rollup. In this way, we reach the following property:

  1. The rollup can store its own blocks and additional data inside itself, like a baron Munchausen, who pulls himself out of the swamp by his own hair!

  2. Potentially this technique can be used to build a multi-layered infrastructure of recursive rollups and transform Web2 into Web3.

Technology used

zkSnarks, Noir


This is a toy model built for the ETHBerlin hackathon. It is not production-ready and has a lot of limitations, security issues, and bugs. You will not find any optimizations, high performance, security, or any other features, that are necessary for a production-ready system. It should be used for educational purposes only.