
Maintain complete privacy while harnessing the benefits of cryptos frictionless transactions and custody.

Team's submissions

Coinguard Freedom to Transact User Experience

The problem Coinguard solves

Coinguard is an Ethereum self custody wallet with a integrated incognito mode. When enabeling the feature you are able to make transactions that cannot be traced back to your wallet. Specifically, we adress the issue of transactions leaking the senders wallet adress. So the recipient(someone who knows your identity) will be able to see your entire on-chain activity and net worth by simply copy pasting your adress into a blockchain explorer. Our current Architecture will also enable the use of dApps. With the help of incognito mode we try to eliminate a major risk to exposure of on-chain identity.

Challenges you ran into

The main challenge was to keep the public key of the users wallet as hidden as possible. One of the bigger challenges was running the Tornado Cash smart contracts on Sepolia testnet since the only testnet they were deployed on was Goerli which is discontinued. This forced us to rewrite the contracts and deploy them ourselves. Also, interacting with the contracts through the frontend proved to be quite a big challenge. Additionaly, catching and storing the Notes we got out of the contracts that allow us to retreive the tokens from the pool was quite difficult.

Technology used

With privacy at the center of our focus, we used the Tornado Cash contracts to enable us to maximize privacy with unique security features for the transaction structure and deployed them on the Sepolia Testnet. For the frontend(browser extension) we used Javascript React and for the backend Javascript Express.