Team's submissions

PROOF OF GAMERHOOD Infrastructure Social Impact

What’s the problem?

Online platforms in both Web2 and Web3 are being overrun by bots, leading to several critical issues:

- Spam and Scams: Bots flood platforms with unwanted messages and fraudulent schemes.
- Disinformation and Manipulation: They spread false information and manipulate public opinion.
- Reduced User Trust: The prevalence of bots erodes trust among genuine users.
- Distorted Metrics: Bots create misleading data, affecting the accuracy of platform analytics.
- Security Risks: They pose significant security threats.
- Exploitation of Tokenomics: Bots exploit the economic models of blockchain projects.
- Invasion of Privacy: They invade users' privacy.
- Disruption of Communities: Bots disrupt the functioning and harmony of online communities.

Addressing these issues is crucial to maintaining the integrity, security, and trustworthiness of online platforms.

How does PROOF OF GAMERHOOD solve this issue?

Implement a bot counter mechanism that requires users to prove they are human by playing a randomized (AI-unfriendly) mini-game during the signup process. Upon successful completion, users are issued a non-transferable ERC-721 token with a randomized expiry date.

This solution yields the following benefits:

  • High entry Barriers for Bots
  • Token is Reuseable on any (d)apps
  • No biometrics compromised
  • Extendable with proof of machine hood
  • Evolvable into a SDK
  • Multiple Business Model Options

Challenges encountered

While scoping of proof concept we decided for sake of time to exclude the SDK tooling as well as proof of machinehood and rather focus on demonstrating the underlying concept.

Technology used

Javascript, Hardhat, OpenZepplin, Node.js, HTML, “Snake Classic” ;)
