G<r>it's Team

Team's submissions

EdGapBridger: Developer-Youth Matching Social Tech Social Impact

The problem [EdGapBridger] solves

In this era of hyper-acceleration, AI and Web3 technologies are speeding up societal inequalities like never before. Education equality and access to digital skills are crucial to prevent further societal divides.The EdGapBridger Hackathon aims to empower the next generation by providing them with the digital skills and education they need to thrive in the digital age.

Challenges you ran into

Being not a coder but a social engineer (a sociologist by training) and motivated by being a mom of a teenager, I’ve eagerly worked all night but still ended up with messy code. Well, you grow with your challenges and my super power is my off chain network anyway.

Technology used

Fracaster Frames (is that what has to go here?)