DisrUptIng eThBeRlIn tHrOuGh aGgrEsSivE nOn-cOmPliaNcE ⚡️ Meta-award Social Impact

ETHBerlin isn’t true to its values: ><<<<<<<<<<<<>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>

  • Consumerism everywhere. <<><<<<<
  • Centrally organized. <<<>>>>>>
  • Sponsored company experiences. <<<>>>>><<<>
  • Tasty food. <<>><<<>>

Core values of ETHBerlin have been violated. <>>

They must be restored. <<<<<<<<<<

Our answer: aggressive non-compliance. <><<<<<<<

(and now check our highly entertaining slides)

The Problem We Solve

The organizers of ETHBerlin claim to value decentralization and independence. But why are only few highly selected companies allowed to give talks or host experiences? Where is the stage for hackers?!

Our motivation for this hackathon is to make an immediate impact and make ETHBerlin better for everyone.

That’s why we hijacked the screens (but we can’t tell you how).

We displayed a board where people could quickly post their own events, and join existing events like talks, workshops, or even jams.

Transforming ETHBerlin from pure consumption into a co-created experience.

For more info, have a look at the README or our slides

Challenges we ran into

ETHBerlin was not amused by our aggressive non-compliance, and they took our board down after a few hours. But the work continues, with the goal of bringing hackers together.

But we do. not. sleep.