Gov Subgraph Social Tech Social Impact

The problem Gov Subgraph solves

Gov is a DAO framework that’s using OpenZeppelin Governor contract in combination with membership NFTs.

It’s compatible with Tally interface, but it also has a custom UI that includes Web3Modal email login. This Next.js app needs to poll data from the blockchain to display all the submitted proposals and the problem is that it was inefficient. It used to take too much time to display all the proposals on the home page. So we implemented and integrated a subgraph to greatly improve the UX: all proposals are now displayed in less than a second.

Live web app:

Challenges you ran into

  • We spent some time to get rid of the remaining bugs and glitches of the UI, and tested a lot to make sure the app works in every scenarios.
  • We had to create our own subgraph schema specifically for Gov, then integrate it in the Next.js app and we were not super familiar with that.

Technology used

  • Next.js
  • Subgraph